This week a bunch of qaecologists will be presenting their work at the Society for Conservation Biology meeting in Auckland, New Zealand. If you’re in town be sure to check them out.
Tue Dec 6, 14:30 New Zealand Room 4
Chee, Y.E., Wintle, B.A.
Taking MSE to terrestrial wildlife management: linking modelling, monitoring and management.
Tue Dec 6, 14:45 Parnell Room
Garrard, G.E., McCarthy, M.A. et al. Optimal survey effort for threatened species during environmental impact assessments.
Tue Dec 6, 15:30 Marlborough Room 1
Baumgartner, J.B., Regan, T.J. et al. Subjective decisions and uncertainty in species distribution models
Tue Dec 6, 17:15 New Zealand Room 3
Rumpff, L., Vesk, P.A. et al.
Using a state-and-transition model to guide cost-efficient decision making for woodland restoration
Wed Dec 7, 17:15 New Zealand Room 2
Parris, K.M., McCarthy, M.A. Predicting the effect of urban noise on acoustic communication in birds.
Thu Dec 8, 12:30 New Zealand Room 4
Wintle, B.A., Possingham, H.P.
From prediction to action – the science of saving species under climate change.
Fri Dec 9, 11:45 Marlborough Room 2
Millers, K., McCarthy, M.A. et al. Evaluating an eradication program for the northern Pacific seastar, Asterias amurensis, in Victoria, Australia.
Fri Dec 9, 12:15 New Zealand Room 2
Heard, G.W., McCarthy, M.A. et al.
Simple decision analyses for metapopulation viability of an endangered Australian amphibian.
Fri Dec 9, 17:00 Epsom Room 3
McCarthy, M.A. An experimental test of environmental decision theory.
Poster 56
Keely, C., Parris, K.M., Heard, G.W., Melville, J.E., Hamer, A.J.
Metapopulations, mitochondria and McMansions: Conservation genetics of an endangered Australian frog in an urbanising landscape.